Economic Impact

Unlocking lasting and equitable economic access lies in addressing an often overlooked challenge: deserts. Today, deserts are a pressing phenomenon affecting consumers across critical sectors. In the United States alone, 121 million consumers live in healthcare deserts, and nearly 54 million in food deserts. With a glaring lack of access to essential goods and services across food and healthcare, it begs the question: what deserts exist within beauty? Introducing an industry-first concept of beauty deserts, our mission is to identify the unmet needs of consumers in deserts, create widespread access to fundamental beauty products and services, and reignite our responsibility to serve consumers of all socioeconomic strata.

Team Members

Shivani Banerji
Brandon Bernard
Sabina Gosto Dersh
Kelsey Marie Galindo
Monique Lachelle McKenzie
Amanda Nieves
Lena Rubiano
Mia Wilkowski